Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Beer and hands

Widmer October Fest 2010, 7.75 x 5.5
As part of my ongoing series about hands,  here are are two more paintings: "Widmer October Fest 2010,"  and "Cold One" which also fit into my body of work about beer, wine and social events. Eventually I'll be looking for local bars where I can exhibit these paintings. Pastel artist Brenda Ferguson of Maine has a project she calls One Hundred Hands where she's soliciting photos of hands to paint. Check it out.
Cold One, 11 x 7.5


  1. Wid Oct Fest is very active and expressive. Wonderful!

  2. Thanks, Casey. I think you're referring to the painting, but the event itself was also "active and expressive"!

  3. Yes - the painting on the left, which is new to me. I visualize you hanging these at a show in an upscale brewery, then a gallery.

    The artichokes pastel is also terrific - the division of space. You do this extremely well. Talent!

  4. Your feedback means a lot to me; thank you.


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