Thursday, November 8, 2012

How I spent my summer vacation

Bouquet in Ribbed Vase
 At the beginning of the summer I set a few artistic goals: paint more frequently; publish a couple blog posts; enter some art exhibits. Check, check, and check. Other activities included: welcome a new grandchild; entertain visiting family members; develop stronger connections with friends; grow, cook and eat good food; have parties, swim, camp, and spend time in nature. What a GREAT summer! And I'm so grateful to have sold several paintings--icing on the cake. The summer's grand finale was a camping trip to Flagstaff in September for Pickin' in the Pines Bluegrass and Acoustic Music Festival followed by a visit to the Four Corners area. While camping at the bluegrass fest I even sold four paintings right off my easel! Catching up on emails upon my return home I was really happy to read a  blog post from Bill Cone about his recent Sierra backpacking and painting trip and hope-hope-hope I can join him next year. He captured scenes similar to the ones viewed on my trip to Four Corners. Just love his style and know I can learn a lot from him. Pastelist Loriann Signori, another one of my "virtual mentors", has been blogging for five years and says her best piece of advice for artists is to paint outside every day. "Don't wait for that silly thing called inspiration. She rarely comes knocking. When you ALWAYS create she WILL find you. Time and time again." Okay. Got it. Intention launched!


  1. De la VIE , du tonus !
    J'aime beaucoup cette composition .
    Bravo !


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